
Queensland Flood

Queensland Flood

Around 2 years ago I saw that Trackside Models had The Queenslander and I instantly had an idea to transform this kit into a dramatic and very Australian flood diorama. I...

Queensland Flood

Around 2 years ago I saw that Trackside Models had The Queenslander and I instantly had an idea to transform this kit into a dramatic and very Australian flood diorama. I...

Aussie Butcher Shop

Aussie Butcher Shop

If you're looking for kit buildings on a budget that are easy to assemble, I highly recommend Trackside Models. These buildings are highly customisable, the instructions are clear and they...

Aussie Butcher Shop

If you're looking for kit buildings on a budget that are easy to assemble, I highly recommend Trackside Models. These buildings are highly customisable, the instructions are clear and they...

River Crossing

River Crossing

Swap meets are a great place to grab a bargain or maybe spot something you wouldn't usually be looking for. I'd been thinking about making a smaller diorama with resin but...

River Crossing

Swap meets are a great place to grab a bargain or maybe spot something you wouldn't usually be looking for. I'd been thinking about making a smaller diorama with resin but...

Noojee Station

Noojee Station

I spent a lot of my teen years in Noojee, so when Ixion released the J class, I wanted to pay homage to Noojee in some way. I had seen...

Noojee Station

I spent a lot of my teen years in Noojee, so when Ixion released the J class, I wanted to pay homage to Noojee in some way. I had seen...

Luna Park

Luna Park

The Luna Park idea was created when I purchased a Cooee Classics W Class Static Tram. Here you'll see the process from start to finish!   Started the project with a base of plywood...

Luna Park

The Luna Park idea was created when I purchased a Cooee Classics W Class Static Tram. Here you'll see the process from start to finish!   Started the project with a base of plywood...